Dec 3, 2023 4 min read

Do we need more game delays?

More and more games don't feel finished at launch and need updates after updates. Do we need more game delays?

Do we need more game delays?

More and more games don't feel finished at launch and need updates after updates. Do we need more game delays?

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Let's get to this week's overkill digest!

What even is a "finished" game?

On Friday, CD Projekt Red announced that Cyberpunk 2077 will receive a new update in two days, adding new features like a functioning metro system, repeatable car races and more. I appreciated this announcement as it has shown how perseverance turned a game that was very much critiqued at launch into something enjoyed by the community.

Cyberpunk 2077’s free 2.1 update brings with it more romance, a metro system, and more
A new, big update for Cyberpunk 2077 is planned for December 5th, bringing a fully functional metro system, new romance options, new vehicles and more.

In a similar vein, Baldur’s Gate 3 is also receiving an update, adding an epilogue which changes the ending a lot, changing how you recruit Minthara, and more.

And this made me wonder: are games ever finished?

I don‘t know how I feel about these types of updates. Major game features added months after the initial release leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

It‘s one thing for studios to release additional content, either in the form of a paid DLC or, like Cult of the Lamb, as a free update. But something seemingly as crucial as an epilogue feels weird to me.

There‘s been a trend for a while now that games get released half-broken and require a day-one patch or, worse, multiple patches over a few weeks. This is now part of the gaming industry, and I must admit, I'm used to it now.

But adding story elements to the main quest seems itchy to me. I feel punished for playing and finishing the game early, as I now need to get back to experience what some developers may call the "ultimate experience"?

So I wonder, why should I get a game on release day? I am against preordering after having been burned a few times (I am still angry about BF2042), but day-one purchases used to be ok in my books. But now it seems that the best time to buy a game is after a few months, a few updates and maybe even a deal — or even spruced up on a new platform of your choice.

Some might argue that this has always been the correct way to buy games – we should always wait for sales and updates.

But this presents a dilemma: we want a polished experience, but early sales are crucial for a game's success and a studio's viability. We simply need to look at the number of games shelved or the number of studios dissolved because they didn‘t sell enough copies at release, according to arbitrary metrics set by a bunch of people in suits.

So, while these concerns are valid, it raises the question: should we be content with purchasing incomplete experiences that get fixed/changed over time, or should the industry strive for more polished releases from the get-go?

I wonder if the solution to all this is for more games to get delayed so they get finalized and we can get the full experience from day one. Though, I guess that would anger a community notoriously known to be impatient.

Alas, it looks like I'm about to start a new playthrough for Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077. And I will probably enjoy it.

But what about you? Am I overreacting, or do you share these sentiments? Let me know in the comments below, or reply to this email.

In other news

Phew, there's been a lot this week!

As always, thanks for reading, and if you have any feedback or interesting links or simply want to say hello, hit reply!


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