About overkill

It started with a simple idea: to create the space where handheld gaming could be celebrated, explored, and discussed by people who truly care about it.

overkill is Kevin Wammer and Chris Brandrick, two lifelong gamers who fell in love with the idea of gaming on the go. overkill is our way of sharing that passion with you.

Expect a lot of espresso-fueled commentary, in-depth guides, and unapologetic essays straight from our fingertips. No fluff, no BS, just honest writing from two gamers who live this stuff.

What We’re About

Games that fit in your hand, a space where we obsess over the minutiae, and a community of readers who are just as into handhelds as we are. You won’t find us repeating headlines or parroting press releases — we’re here to dig deeper, experiment, and have fun doing it.

We’re crafting essays that delve into the culture of handheld gaming, guides that help you max out your gear, and commentary that doesn’t hold back.

We’re not shy about our opinions, and we’re certainly not pretending to be overly objective. This is a space where handheld gaming and raw commentary collide — basically, we’re opinionated AF.

The team behind overkill:

Kevin Wammer - EiC at overkill

Kevin Wammer

I’m a sucker for tech. PSP modder, former Apple blogger, and now obsessed with handhelds. I’ve been gaming since the early days and never stopped chasing that next bit of tech that’ll blow my mind. Expect no fluff — just pure, espresso-fueled opinions and deep dives into the tech we love.

Chris Brandrick - Deputy Editor at overkill

Chris Brandrick

Nintendo has been my constant gaming companion for over 25 years, and I’ve spent much of that time writing about why it matters. Whether curating my Nintendo newsletter Switch Weekly (established back in 2016) to writing here with Kevin, I love diving deep into the wide world of handheld gaming.

Why You Should Care

To us, handheld gaming is more than just a hobby. It’s a way of playing that fits into the quiet moments between life’s bigger ones. It’s gaming on your own terms when and where you want it.

We’ve built overkill to be a home for anyone who loves handhelds as much as we do. It’s for those who mod their devices, those who collect rare handhelds, those seeking the next perfectly portable game, and those who can’t wait to see what the next generation of on-the-go gaming looks like.

If that sounds like you, then welcome to overkill.

Join our newsletter, follow us on social (Twitter, Mastodon, Threads, Bluesky), or simply stick around and see what we’re working on.

Some of our content may contain affiliate links; therefore we, might receive a commission for purchases made via those links.
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