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May 2, 2024 1 min read

Nintendo's Yuzu fight is now one big game of internet whack-a-mole

Nintendo's fight against Switch emulation continues, following a takedown of over 8,000 GitHub hosted clones of Yuzu.

Nintendo's Yuzu fight is now one big game of internet whack-a-mole

Nintendo's fight against Switch emulation continues, following a takedown of over 8,000 GitHub hosted clones of Yuzu.

Nintendo has taken more Yuzu emulator clones offline, via a DMCA request sent to GitHub.

You may remember back in March Nintendo's legal team came after popular Switch emulator Yuzu, resulting in the project being taken swiftly offline shortly thereafter. However, just because Nintendo cut off the head, the project lived in-part thanks to the source code for the notorious project being open-source. As such, many duplicates or alternative takes on the Nintendo Switch emulator tool soon popped up, including Suyu.

Suyu also faced some legal wrangling, and it seems like Nintendo ain't done just yet, as today news has surfaced that GitHub has scrubbed some 8,500 clones from their site.

Microsoft-owned GitHub is a popular developer platform that is used as a code repository for a wide-range of projects — it's also fairly simple to clone any open projects. Something which it would seem a lot of folks did, as thousands of Yuzu duplicates have popped up over the past month or so. Now, a lot of them are gone thanks to a single DMCA strike which wiped out over 8,500 of them.

Of course, that's not to say Nintendo has scrubbed the internet clean of Yuzu and it's many clones, but it just dealt a big blow and wiped out a big chunk of them — Nintendo's game of whack-a-mole continues...

The DMCA notice shared on GitHub can be seen here.
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