Sep 6, 2022 1 min read

Valve opened four new regional Steam Deck Twitter accounts

There are now official region specific Twitter accounts for keeping up with Steam Deck news in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

Valve opened four new regional Steam Deck Twitter accounts

Good news if you live in either Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, or Hong Kong — Valve has introduced a way for you to keep up to date with all things Steam Deck by way of new region-specific Twitter accounts.

Launched on September 6, the four new Twitter profiles will share localized posts, and Steam Deck news updates specific to their respective regions.

Those in Japan can follow the new @OnDeckJP account, whereas South Korean users can check out the @OnDeckKR page. @OnDeckTW1 is the account for those living in Taiwan, and @OnDeckHK is the profile for Steam Deck owners in Hong Kong.

Plenty of folks jumped into the replies of the original announcement tweet (seen below) to request that Valve create similar accounts for their region, with a fair few responses asking for localized content for Australia, Brazil, the Middle East, and others.

It's a neat thing to see Valve create such accounts, and it speaks to the growing international appeal of the Steam Deck platform.

Chris Brandrick
Chris Brandrick
Curator of Switch Weekly. Loves Nintendo. Uses too many emoji. ✌️🎮💌🇪🇺
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