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Sep 5, 2023 2 min read

The State of Steam Deck 2023 Survey

The State of Steam Deck survey is now open for 2023 — share your thoughts on Valve's handheld.

State of Steam Deck 2023 survey

UPDATE: The 2023 State of Steam Deck survey is now closed to responses. We will be sharing the results in the next few weeks.

Every year, we ask the Steam Deck community a series of questions to get an overview of what folks think of Valve's handheld (here are the results from last year's survey).

We ask questions about how many games people bought, how they use their Steam Deck, what storage option they picked, and much more.

We're doing the same again this year, and this time you can even win some prizes courtesy of Green Man Gaming.

By filling out this year's survey, which won't take longer than 5 minutes, you can win one of three $50 vouchers for any game you want over on Green Man Gaming.

🗳️ Here's this year's survey

(Direct link to the survey)

But wait, there's more! If you retweet the following tweet, you can win one of two additional $50 vouchers for Green Man Gaming.

It will run for a few weeks, and we will dig deep into the numbers by the end of September. Oh, and you can participate in the survey even if you don't own a Steam Deck (yet).


Kevin Wammer
Kevin Wammer
Gamer since the age of 3. Fell in love with tech while hacking PSPs for fun. I have a tri-force on my forearm.
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