Aug 16, 2022 2 min read

How to check your disk space on the Steam Deck

How to check your disk space on the Steam Deck

If you check your disk usage in Valve’s gaming mode, you might end up seeing something similar to this:

As you can see from this screenshot, there is a lot of “other” in my case. If you want to dig deeper and see exactly what’s eating up your space, you’ll need to boot to the desktop mode.

  1. For this, click the Steam button, go down to Power, and then Switch to Desktop. Wait for the Deck to reboot.
  2. Now head to Discover (hit the menu button) and look for an app called Disk Usage Analyzer. (If the keyboard doesn’t pop up, click the Steam Button + the X-button.) Install the app and start it.
  3. In the app, click on Home folder and wait for it to run. Here you can go a few levels deeper to see what uses the most space on your Steam Deck.

And if you want to check file usage on your SD card, you need to do the following.

  1. In the app, click on the little burger menu in the top-right.
  2. Click on Scan Folder.
  3. Here, look in the sidebar for your SD card and click on it.
  4. Now click on the little arrow next to the name of your SD card. It should offer you to go a few directories up. Click on media, then click once (don’t open it) the only other folder, in my case called mmcblk0p1. Click open.
  5. It should now analyse the file usage of your SD card.

As you can see, a big chunk of space is used up by my ROMs. Nothing for me to worry about.

Kevin Wammer
Kevin Wammer
Gamer since the age of 3. Fell in love with tech while hacking PSPs for fun. I have a tri-force on my forearm.
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