A purple transparent cover for your Steam Deck could be on the way from JSAUX, giving Valve's handheld a touch of 90s nostalgia style.
Gadget and accessory maker JSAUX are working on a number of colourful Steam Deck back-plates as a way to add a custom splash of colour to your handheld.
The company already offer a clear, transparent case for the rear of Valve's portable — it's a neat alternative to the included opaque cover, allowing you to see inside your Steam Deck.

JSAUX have yet to decide on just which colours they will be initally offering when they launch in April 2023 — but they are currently asking folks on Twitter which colour options they hope to see by way of a poll.
At time of writing the Purple option is in the lead, by quite some margin, with Blue the second most popular choice. Orange and Green are the other possible colour variants on the way.

There's (currently) around a day left on the poll, with nearly 4,000 votes so far — and it's already clear that Purple is going to be one of the options released in a few months time.
JSAUX explained that a couple of colour choices will be released in April, with more possibly on the way later in the year.
Like the existing transparent option, the chosen colours are expected to sell for around $30, although this has yet to be confirmed.
In the late 90s Nintendo went through a fun phase of offering up their leading hardware in a range of fun colours, including rad transparent varients — one of the most popular choices was the forever cool Clear Purple Game Boy Color, and the Atomic Purple N64. This colourful accessory from JSAUX feels like a nice nostalgic nod to that era — more of this please!
JSAUX already offer a growing range of Steam Deck accessories, including a docking station and their upcoming modular case.