Big news for all emulation fans: Cemu, the Wii U emulator, is getting a 2.0 release that brings a plethora of changes.
For one, Cemu is now open source, and everyone can participate in developing the Wii U emulator. You can find the Github page here:
Also, and this will be of interest to all of us Steam Deck users: Cemu now natively supports Linux. While in the meantime, we still have to compile the build ourselves, the developers announced on Reddit that they are working on AppImages and FlatPaks:
We now also offer Linux builds, albeit not in the most straightforward way. Right now you still have to compile Cemu yourself for most distros. However, we are looking into adding appimage or flatpak releases for convenience. Be aware that the Linux version of Cemu isn't fully fleshed out yet. It should generally work fine, but there are some remaining issues, most of them related to the UI.
Here is the full changelog for version 2.0 with a download link:
Cemu is a fantastic emulator, and I have to admit I am surprised it was closed source and developed mainly by one single person. Opening it up for the wider community should theoretically mean it will get much more support and a faster development time.
I am looking forward to what a native Linux build can do to the performance on the Steam Deck.
If you haven't yet set up any emulators on your Steam Deck, here is the guide we wrote: